About us
The Parish of Fitzroy Harbour is a community inspired and strengthened by the Holy Spirit to Support, Share, and Serve in the world.
The Parish of Fitzroy Harbour is a community inspired and strengthened by the Holy Spirit to Support, Share, and Serve in the world.
Rev. Alana has a BA in History from McMaster University in Hamilton, a Master of Divinity from Trinity College, Toronto, a MA in History from St. Michael’s College, Toronto, and has recently completed her PhD in History at Trinity College, Toronto. Her PhD Thesis was on the Cultural Christianity of First World War Britain and Canada.
Rev. Alana is particularly interested in History and Christian Apologetics (the study of defining and defending Christianity), and has a passionate interest in Christian Education for all ages.
After graduating from the University of Western Ontario she began her working career as a computer Programmer in Toronto. After 3 years in the work force she took a leave to raise her 5 children. She returned to programming when the last child started school. In October 2007 Cathy became the Parish Administrator for the Parish of Fitzroy Harbour. She volunteers at the Arnprior and District Museum concentrating on the textile collection and loves Quilting. “There is always something new to try.”
The women of the Diocese of Ottawa had a name change from Women's Auxiliary to Anglican Church Women a quarter of a century ago! What's in a name? Lots! As well as being interested in the missionary element, we include all the women of the Church, of all ages and interests. Because we all have gifts which we can share, whether they be music, choirs, teaching, taking our full part in the service and work of the Church, having fun, going to plays, taking trips, having picnics? we are not as stuffy as our initials might suggest. St. Thomas’ ACW meets once a month on the 2nd Monday of the month, from September to May. Our evening starts with dessert and fellowship at 6:30 p.m. with meeting starting at 7:00 p.m. In November we prepare containers of cookies and squares to be given to shut ins. Fundraisers are December annual cookie sale and February pancake supper. We also cater to funerals when requested. In May we collect items for the “Bales for the North” which are sent to communities in the North. ACW is a great way to get to know the ladies in the congregation. We always welcome new members.
The Parish has a part-time choir comprised of singers from both churches. The choir sings at Christmas and Easter services, as well as on other occasions. New members are always welcome. A quartet performs occasionally at both churches. Contemporary music is provided on a monthly basis by a volunteer band. Talk to Carolyn Beeton if you are interested in joining any of these groups!
Our parish men take part with an informal ecumenical Men's Breakfast Group, who meet once a month on Saturday mornings for breakfast, good fellowship and to listen to a guest speaker. The group is open to any men in the community whether they attend a church or not. The group has met at both St. George's and St. Thomas' as well as at Bethel St. Andrew's United Church and other churches in the area. Topics from guest speakers have covered subjects such as health, outreach issues, to historical interest and travel. Any men in the community are most welcome to join with us at any of these informal breakfasts at any time. It is a great way to meet and chat with other men in the community.
The Altar Guild has been called “Housekeepers for the Lord”. We support and operate under the direction of the clergy. In preparation for service we ensure the hangings are the correct colour for the occasion. The flowers that beautify the altar are in memory of loved ones. The altar is correctly arraigned to assist the clergy in leading the worship of our Lord. Those interested in joining this ministry call the parish office, 613 623 3882.
Ministry for seniors is often a primary focus for the clergy and pastoral care team. As individuals become increasingly frail and isolated, the compassion of God revealed in Jesus calls the church to a ministry of support, conversation, listening and advocacy. In this way we strive to be present to the seniors in our midst. Our parish ministers to our seniors in the following ways:
Whether you are an active senior or in need of support and would like to learn more about or access our senior ministries please contact the parish office 613 623 3882
The Pastoral care in the parish is largely within the hands of our clergy, with some assistance by some members of the parish. Over 30 individuals are visited between the two churches. If you are interested in becoming a member of the pastoral care team or you know someone who would benefit from pastoral care, please notify the parish office 613 623 3882
Twitter: @AnglicanFitzroy
St. Thomas' Facebook: @stthomaswoodlawn
Service times are listed on our Home Page